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Infant-Sitting 101

Get lots of infant-sitting gigs? Not sure how to keep ’em happy or whether you know the essentials? Chill out! Here’s your guide to everything baby.
Avoid a Cry-Baby
Babies constantly need three things: to eat, to have their diaper changed and to be held. That’s kinda exhausting for you, but on the plus side, in between all of that, they mostly sleep. If the baby’s crying, it’s probably for one of those three reasons. Other ways to cheer up an infant? Make funny faces, sing, play peek-a-boo or distract him or her with a toy.
Stay Safe
It’s important to be prepared in case of an accident. Make sure the parents you’re sitting for leave you numbers to reach them at as well as where they’ll be in case you can’t reach them on their cell. Plus, you should have the number of one or more of their friends or trusted neighbors and emergency numbers.
Be Prepared
It’s also a good idea to get infant CPR certified. The parents should pay for you to take the course—after all, they want their baby in good hands! CPR is different for babies, so ask the parents about sending you for certification.
Have Fun
While babies can feel like a lot of responsibility, the fact is, you’re only takin’ care of him or her for a few hours at a time. The fun part of your job is to enjoy the cuteness and play with that little bundle of adorable.
Still have questions? You can get all kinds of baby info at
POSTED IN babysitting 101, be a safe sitter