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25 things you *have* to do over summer break

Summer’s finally here. Hooray! Now that you’re out of school and looking to have a blast over break, check out our list of must-do things ya just have to do before summer’s over.
1. Go to an amusement park with your friends. Put your hands to the sky and scream at the top of your lungs while you rush down a rollercoaster!
2. Camp out in your backyard. Make s’mores by the campfire and tell ghost stories under the stars. What a magical night!
3. Have a dance party in your room, alone or with friends! Just let yourself go and rock it, girl!
4. Go all natural for one day and ditch the flatiron and foundation. The heat is perfect for giving you a sun-kissed glow.
5. Dig out your old-school rollerblades or bike and take a roll around the neighborhood.
6. Grab a book and head outdoors under a tree to grab some shade and a good read.
7. Plan a picnic. Grab a blanket, a basket and fill it with your favorite snacks. Don’t forget to invite your friends, or even, your crush!
8. Go hiking. Find a nearby stream and take a dip. The cool water will feel amazing in the summer sun.
9. Watch the sunrise or sunset. It’s a beautiful sight to start or finish your day!
10. Catch fireflies—have them light up a night outside. Then, watch them fly away.
11. Make a soundtrack to match your life with your favorite summer songs.
12. Lie out in the grass and watch the stars. Hope for a shooting star, and if you see one, be sure to make a wish!
13. Go to one concert of your dreams!
14. Get nostalgic and whip out old board games, like Candy Land, Life or Hungry Hippos. So fun!
15. Snap pics of all your activities this summer and make a scrapbook for a memorable summer.
16. Make up a dance, home movie, whatever with your friends and post it to YouTube. You never know, you could become famous!
17. Have a water balloon fight. Have your crush over and be sure to hit him so that he’ll notice you! But not too hard of course.
18. Be a total couch potato for a day and have a moviefest with all your faves.
19. Submit your work to a contest. With no school, you’ll have more time to work on a short story or snap some photos. You could be published!
20. Run a mini marathon. Set a goal time and distance — but make it reasonable — and work toward it all summer. You’ll feel awesome as you see your time and endurance improve.
21. Get a pen pal. Share your summer stories with faraway friends.
22. Clean out your closet. Revamp, organize and donate all your clothes, shoes and accessories.
23. Volunteer. Check out your community center, library, school and church to find opts where you can do good. Homeless shelters, stream clean-ups, senior homes, Habitat for Humanity, the list is endless to pay your positivity forward.
24. Try out a new recipe. Impress the fam by gathering everyone for a home-cooked meal by you.
25. Make friendship bracelets and hand them out to all your girls. Sweet and thoughtful, your girls will love this perfect summer accessory!
Are you on summer break yet? What's your fave summer activity? Share below!
POSTED IN weekend fun, boredom buster, LIFE, All About You