Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, I think I'm the ugly sister"
Dear Carol,
My sister is prettier than I am. I know it. I’m not very pretty.
—Bad Looking Sister
Dear Bad Looking Sister,
Ideally, sisters should think of each other as teammates, not rivals, but sisters often do compete and one sister may have strengths that the other does not. Instead of comparing yourself to your sister, become aware of your strengths. Are you friendly? Funny? Artistic? Musical? Great with kids? A runner? A scientist? Cook? Computer genius?
Focus on what you can do and enjoy. As for appearance, what makes you attractive is smiling and feeling good about yourself. If you need a boost, get yourself a great haircut or new vintage clothes. Sometimes a change in style can lead to a change in attitude.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website:, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Instagram. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
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POSTED IN body image, sticky sibling sitches, Love your bod, dear carol solves family probs, self-esteem, advice from Carol Weston