Dear Carol
My friend is such a slob! How do I deal?
Dear Carol,
My family invited my best friend to go with us on vacation. I thought, "Wow, this is going to be so much fun!" Wrong! My mom is very organized so, whenever you’re done with a dish, you have to clean it. Well, my friend never washed any dishes, so I had to do hers. Don’t even get me started on our room. She left wet towels and snack wrappers all over the place! And who made her bed every day? I did. If I were to be someone’s guest for a week, I’d pick up after myself.
Clean and Confused
Dear Clean and Confused,
Next time, whether it’s day one of vacation or camp or college, say something right away. Not: "You’re a slob—pick up after yourself!" Just: "Hey, let’s both try to keep things neat." You could have said, "My mom is a neat freak, so do you mind hanging that towel up? Thanks." Your speaking up would have been good for both of you—for her, because she needs to learn to be a more considerate guest and, for you, because it’s no fun to resent a friend.
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POSTED IN bff, Friends, bad friend, Dear Carol