Dear Carol
I am fed up with sharing a room!
I have to share my room with my younger sister and brother and I hate it. They borrow my stuff and I get no sleep and have no privacy. I WANT MY OWN ROOM. My parents say I shouldn’t hope we’ll move because we won’t. I'm so frustrated!
Dear Stuck,
Sharing a room is hard. Your parents may wish that they could give you each your own space but may be unable to afford such a luxury. Can you label some shelves and drawers for your stuff, some for theirs? Can you set some rules with your siblings- no borrowing without asking, and lights out at a certain time? Can you put up a curtain or sheet to divide your room? Can you all come up with more ideas?
To order Girltalk: All the Stuff Your Sister Never Told You, click here.
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POSTED IN Family, dear carol solves family probs, sticky sibling sitches