Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, I can't stop procrastinating"
Dear Carol,
I have a million things I should do (and want to do), like keep up with schoolwork but, instead, I laze around and do nothing. Where's the inspiration?
–Totally Bored with No Inspiration
Dear Totally Bored with No Inspiration,
We all have couch-potato days, but then it feels good to get busy. It could help to schedule something fun—IM chats, movies, skating—then use the hours beforehand to get lots done. A change of scenery might help too. Can you move from the bedroom to the kitchen to do homework? Or go to the library? If you feel overwhelmed, break work into small tasks. And talk to your parents about helping to motivate you. They might think up rewards to inspire you to take on challenges. Think of long-term goals, too. Can you take an art class or join choir? If you continue to feel a complete lack of motivation, you should talk to a counselor to see if something deeper is going on.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website: or like her Facebook page. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
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