Dear Carol
How to deal when your parents are pressuring you to get perfect grades
My parents pressure me to get perfect grades. They say a B- is unacceptable. When my sister got a C+, they freaked like she won’t get into a college. I tell them a C is average, but they won’t listen.
-Above C Level
Dear Above C Level,
Some parental pressure and guidance can be helpful, but when parents think a B- is unacceptable, that can be deflating and leave a girl feeling like, “What’s the point?” Talk to your parents, but don’t argue that a C is above average. In many schools, more kids get A’s and B’s than D’s and F’s, so C may not be the norm.
Besides, why be ordinary if you can be extraordinary? Instead, tell them you wish they would recognize how hard you work and that when your report card never seems to be good enough, it eats at your confidence. Let them know a little praise would go a long way. Then keep doing your best—for you, not them. Is a particular subject tripping you up? Find a teacher or tutor who can help.
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