Dear Carol
Totally dissed by your ex BFF? Here's what you should do...
This girl is having a huge holiday party, and she invited
everyone in the class except three people. I was one of the three. She used to
be my best friend. I don’t have the guts to ask her why she didn’t invite me.
Dear Left Out,
That stinks, no two ways about it. As far as how you handle it, you have a couple of choices. You could confront your one-time friend in private and tell her how you feel. Or, you might decide to say nothing at all, accepting that friendships can shift when you least expect it.
Plan something fun for yourself the day of the party. Maybe
rent a hilarious flick from Redbox, go out to dinner with mom or hang out with
the other two kids who weren’t invited if they’re free that day.
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POSTED IN bff, Dear Carol