Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, I made up a fake BF"

Dear Carol,
My boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago and said we’d be friends. I still secretly like him, but the other day he was telling me about his new GF. I got jealous and made up a story about how I had a new BF, too. Now, I don’t know if I should tell my ex I made up my BF. I feel guilty and sad for lying.
—To Tell The Truth
Dear To Tell The Truth,
Unless you’d be ratting someone out or hurting someone else’s feelings, being honest is almost always the best way to go. And the truth is easier to remember. Next time you and your ex talk, if you want to come clean, say, “I made up that whole new boyfriend thing because I was jealous, but I regret it, and I’m sorry.”
However, if he and his new GF are happy together, my advice is for you to start being honest with yourself. Unless there’s a solid chance of reconciliation, you need to start caring less about your ex and focus more on future relationships.
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POSTED IN GL's best guy advice, boyfriend Q & A, ex boyfriend Q & A, CRUSHES, Advice