Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, My crush totally rejected me in front of everyone"

Dear Carol,

I had a crush on a guy for a really long time. Recently, I finally had the courage to write him a note and confess. Everyone kinda already knew I liked him, so he probably knew, too. Anyway, he picked up the note, realized it was from me and threw it in the garbage. What makes it even worse is that his friends took the note out of the garbage and read it out loud to my crush’s whole friend group. Now I’m pretty much the laughingstock of the boys.

- My Rejection Story

Dear My Rejection Story,

Ugh. Horrendous. That truly stinks, and I want to assure you that there are lots of happy Acceptance Stories in your future. Please believe me that this boy is *not* worthy of your devotion. He may have his good sides and he may grow up to be kinder, but anyone who would humiliate you like that—with his friends—does not deserve to take up any of your precious brain space. Next time you like a guy, don’t put it in writing. There are safer ways to test the waters (like giving him a smile, saying hi, talking to him, laughing at his jokes). If he ignores you, darn, but OK, he’s not the only boy around so you’ll know to move on. Start paying more attention to a boy’s character rather than just his appearance or popularity. For now, dust yourself off. You’re not the only person who took a quick tumble. Keep hanging out with friends and family and getting the most you can out of school. Investing your energy there will pay off.

Carol Weston is the author of 16 books, including Girltalk, Ava and Pip and Speed of Life, a novel about a 14-year-old girl who writes to an advice columnist. Carol's audiobooks are on Spotify. More at and on Instagram @carolwestonnyc.

Dealing with crush probs? Read more Dear Carol here:
"Dear Carol, My best friend started liking the same guy as me"
💔 "Dear Carol, My boyfriend has been pressuring me"
❤️ "Dear Carol, My bestie has a crush on my brother—and it's getting annoying"

We want to hear from you! Go here to submit questions to Carol about every sticky sitch life throws at you.


by GL | 10/25/2024