Your Bod
The truth about growing pains
What exactly are growing pains, and how do you stop them from hurting so much?
Do you feel the pains mostly at night? Is it usually in your calves, thighs or behind your knees? Is it gone by morning? Yep, those could be growing pains says Dr. Margaret J. Blythe, director of adolescent clinical services at Riley and Wishard Hospitals, Indiana University Medical Center. “Growing pains begin in preschool and keep up into the teens.”
What can you do about them? First, get a physical from your doc to rule out any other source for the pain. The good news is growing pains usually go away on their own, but ibuprofen or acetaminophen helps in the meantime. Massaging sore spots and using a heating pad can also ease the pain. Guess they aren’t kidding when they say growing up is a pain!
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