Your Bod

Don't let the pool wreck your hair and skin! 3 summer swim savers

Summer is the time for swimming, swimming and more swimming. And while swimming is a total blast, your skin and hair most definitely think the opposite. If you’re not careful chlorine can really have a nasty effect on your body. Your hair can become dry and brittle, and can even turn a different color. Irritation on your skin might occur, leaving it dry and itchy. So wait, do this mean we shouldn’t swim? No! You just need to make sure you have taken proper precautions to protect your body from chemicals in the pool.

Slap on some oil

Because chlorine strips your hair of its natural oils, before you go swimming, apply a thin layer of oil to your hair. You can use any type of oil really – olive oil, baby oil or coconut oil will all do. You can also try specialized hair products designed to protect your hair from the chlorine. You locks will be sure to stay hydrated throughout your entire swim.

Get wet before you get wet

Hop in the shower before you head to the pool and drench your hair in non-chlorinated water. This will help lower the amount of chlorine that your hair absorbs. Because your hair acts like a sponge, when it’s wet it won’t be able to hold as much chlorinated water from the pool. Also, be sure to frequently rinse your hair with non-chlorinated water throughout your day at the pool. This will keep it full of clean water instead of pool water.

Shower immediately

You can’t do much to protect your skin while you’re swimming, but once you’ve hopped out of the pool for the final time that day, head to the shower and wash your body with lots of soap. This will remove any chlorine that is on your skin, and help replenish moisture to your body. If you let your skin sit with chlorine on it, it tends to get dry and itchy.

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by Katie Takacs | 2/1/2016