Your Bod
What's the point of shaving your arms?

Are you supposed to shave your arm hair? I know my mom shaves her arms, and so do some of my friends. Are they doing it to be hygienic, or to fit in?
Whether you’re old or young, brunette or blonde, girl or guy, everybody has some arm hair. Fact is, even though it can be totally embarrassing to you, no one else notices it as much as you do. Think about it: have you ever judged someone on her arm hair? Sounds silly, doesn’t it? A li’l peach fuzz is not the end of the world, I swear.
If it’s not a big deal to you, try to just let it be. Shaving your arms isn’t more hygienic nor is it a requirement for fitting in. Your friends are likely just self-conscious about their fuzz, and shaving it makes them feel better. The issue with grabbing a razor is that you’ll have stubble in just a few days. Hair grows back slowly, so unless you’re shaving all the time, you’ll have to deal with short hairs that are prickly to touch. No fun! Lucky for you, if you really wanna deal with your arm hair, there are several other options that’ll work much better.
If you have lovely brunette locks, chances are your body hair is darker too. While this is totally natural, it does mean that arm fuzz will be a bit more noticeable. If it’s just the color that bothers ya, grab a bleaching kit from your local drug store. Easy, painless application and pretty light on your wallet, too! Bleaching can last anywhere from two to six weeks depending on how fast your hair grows. Keep in mind that you won’t have a smooth and hairless arm, but it will make the hair much less noticeable.
Another option is waxing, which can last up to a month, but be wary of the pain and the cost. Going to a salon means serious moolah, so you’ll have to sit down with the ‘rents to get some funds. And don’t forget, waxing means pulling the hair out of its follicle, and there’s no way to do that without a little sting.
Keep in mind, girlie, that if you can get over it, arm hair doesn’t have to be in an issue. Lots of people wax, bleach or shave, but lots of people don’t. Either way, it’s your decision, not your friends’, so do some thinking and talking with your mom before you choose. Good luck!
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POSTED IN body, shaving 101, hair problems