5 lazy girl ways to stay slim this summer
Go Shopping
The saying “shopping is my cardio” is so true. Zipping from store to store while lugging around heavy bags gives you a mini workout. Skip the escalator and take the stairs. You’ll burn more cals that way.
Walk the Dog
Next time Mom tells you to taken Roscoe for a walk, don’t pass the chore off to your li’l bro. Walking your dog can get in some serious cardio. Take your pooch to a nearby park or even take him on a run to change it up. It’s a treat you’ll both heart.
Your bare backyard is the perf place for a low-key workout. Planting flowers and lifting mulch will def tone your arms. Bonus: It’s outdoors in the fresh air. Sure beats being cooped up in the sweaty gym.
Take a Walk on the Beach
Even on your beach vacay you can get trim while having fun. Stroll along the breaking waves to find cool seashells or watch the sunset. The sand gives more resistance than other surfaces, so you’ll tone your calves while getting a tan at the same time.
Sure, the pool is a fab place to cool off and splash around. But it’s also a great place to sneak a workout in. No, we’re not saying pull a Michael Phelps and master the backstroke. Take it easy and start a game of Marco Polo with friends. Burning cals and having fun? Done and done!
POSTED IN body, weight, healthy ways to lose weight, health, fitness, Workouts, best-ever arm workouts, lean leg workouts, lazy girl's workouts, summer, summer