How to get a fun bike ride to replace your cardio workout
Cardio plays a major role in any girl’s workout, but there are other ways to get your heart pumping besides going for a run. Like biking, it's a great way to get some cardio in (without feeling like you are exhausting your muscles). So grab your helmet and pump those tires—we've got four ways to get a workout in using a bike.
Go somewhere!
Sure, you can hop on one of the stationary bikes at the gym, but even
though you’re pedaling, you’re not really moving. Going for a ride down a
trail or around a park just feels better. Not only do you get fresh
air, but you also get to see the landscape around you and can control
where you go. Maybe you’ll even discover something you weren’t
expecting. After all, you can’t find a hidden trail at the gym, right?
Group project
Biking is great to do in groups, so bring your bestie or make it a family activity with mom, dad, and your sibs. This way, you’ll stay safe (NEVER go biking alone in an area you aren’t familiar with) and you’ll have someone to keep you motivated on the uphills! Research some popular trails in your area and spend a Saturday bicycling instead of snoozing– your bod will thank you!
Who needs a ride?
You may not drive yet, but constantly asking your fam for rides to nearby places isn’t always necessary. If t’s still light outside and you want to jet to your friend’s house a few blocks over—biking is faster than walking (and is way better for you than sitting in a car). You don’t have to be stuck inside your house when the ‘rents aren’t there to take you places—just be sure to ask your mom and dad if it's OK to bike ride there, and go!
It’s good for you and the Earth
is a more relaxing way to get cardio. As long as you feel your heart
rate increasing, you don’t have to sweat like crazy or lose your breath
for a healthy workout. Biking instead of driving reduces pollution and
keeps the Earth as pretty as it is. So bike when you can: It’s great for
your body and keeps Mother Nature going strong.
Do you bike ride? Share in the comments below.
POSTED IN healthy ways to lose weight, health, fitness