Why you should celebrate National No Makeup Day today

Last year, 15-time (!!) Grammy winner Alicia Keys started a powerful makeup-free movement with her personal essay, Time to Uncover. The singer wrote, "I don't want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing."
Sounds amazing, right? Wouldn't you love it if you could be 100 percent honest and genuine about all aspects of your life? Well, according to Alicia Keys, you can, and today is the perfect day to start...because it's National No Makeup Day!
Makeup can be a fun, playful way to express your personality, but if you feel insecure leaving the house without it or need it to feel like you're pretty and worthy, then it might be a bit of an issue.
To tackle those mascara-induced insecurities, why not forego makeup for a day, and celebrate your natural beauty instead? Tons of other girls are doing it too: There's more than 13 million #nomakeup pictures on Instagram already.
Remember that there's nothing wrong with loving makeup but there's also something to be said for your bare, gorgeous face. National No Makeup Day can serve as a reminder that whatever the women around you may look like, you are just as valuable without using a single product.
As Alicia said, "I promised I would approach things differently this time regarding my image and allow my real self, as is, to come through." Shouldn't we all try to do the same every once in a while?
Are you celebrating National No Makeup Day? Let us know in the comments!
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Photo credit: Huffington Post.
POSTED IN self-esteem, LIFE, Get Inspired, lifestyle, Beauty, HEALTH, Wellness