
What to do when you're *beyond* embarrassed


We've all had those horribly humiliating moments. The ones that have you crying, "My life is over!" Getting embarrassed is an emotional reaction that is *totally* normal and happens to the best of us. The real problem is that, depending on the sitch, it can last for a very long time but the embarrassment does dull down. So here are some ways to come back from those embarrassing moments that will make you feel ten times more confident.

Remember, it’s not the end of the world. It may seem like it is at the time but we promise you, it’s not. Don’t let a situation determine the whole outcome of your day. One way to think about it is to ask yourself, "Will this matter in five years?" The answer will probably be no, so just relax and put it all into perspective.

Hit your power pose. A power pose is a stance that you hold for even just 30 seconds that makes you feel confident and ready to take on anything. So go ahead and channel your inner Queen Bey.

Laugh if off. Remember embarrassment is an emotional reaction. So you subconsciously choose to be embarrassed over a situation or not without really even thinking about it. The best response is usually just to laugh at yourself. Life's too short to take things too seriously. And probably in a week or a month or a year, this will be a *great* story to tell at parties (or to share with GL in our Blush Much section!).

Talk it out. Talking with your friends or fam lets you evaluate what just happened and see it from their point of view. Since you're personally involved, you may overreact thinking it was a bigger deal than it really was. Hearing your BFF's take on it can help you realize what *really* happened wasn't as bad as it seems.

How do you get over an embarrassing moment? Let us know in the comments!

Photo credit: E Online, James Clear.

by Britnee Wright | 1/17/2017