How to combat cramps (before they come!)

Ah, there’s nothing worse than sitting in science class only to double over in pain from your monthly friend. We all know the fast-acting ways to try to combat the cramps—Advil, heating pads, curling up and crying—but it’s just so frustrating to have to head to the nurse’s office every month for the same old reason. Are there ways to prevent those painful cramps from coming, before it's too late? The answer is yes.
No, we don’t just mean exercising as soon as you get the cramp. Exercising regularly is proven to help you have less menstrual pain. So now you have an excellent motivation to climb onto that treadmill every day. Think of that horrible pain in science class...that’s probably worse than huffing and puffing on the treadmill!
Eat more veggies
Your diet plays a huge factor in how easy/tough your time of month is. Lots of fat can increase inflammation, which in turn can increase the cramps. Adding lots of vegetables, fish, and nuts will not only keep you healthy, they can keep your cramps at bay.
Try acupuncture
Ahh, needles! Yes, needles for shots can be scary, but acupuncture is meant to be pain-relieving, so how can the needles hurt? Acupuncture relaxes the nervous system, and therefore it can relax those painful cramps of yours.
Take a Tylenol
If you take an OTC drug like Tylenol or ibuprofen a day or two before your period starts, it can lighten your cramps *and* your bleeding. Obviously, make sure this is safe for you by running it by your parents or doctor first.
What do you do to prevent cramps from hurting more than they have to? Let us know below!