Rules of the road: How to stay safe while peddling this summer
Use the proper gear
It might seem silly that we’re telling you to wear a helmet, but many people don’t when they go biking! You might think you look goofy, but protect yourself and wear one. It doesn’t hurt to have a horn or reflectors on your bike either. These will decrease your risk of getting hurt by other drivers on the road.
Bike on the road
Did you know that only bikers under 12 are legally allowed to ride on sidewalks? Strange, right? Well even though bikes don’t have a motor, they’re still considered road vehicles. So be sure you’re biking on the road in the same direction as traffic.
Obey traffic signs
Since bikes are considered road vehicles, be sure to obey all traffic signs when you’re on the road. Stop at red lights and stop sings, and make sure you signal to drivers if you are turning. Use your left arm for all signals, while keeping your right hand on the handlebars to keep stable.
Turning left: Extend left arm out, parallel to the ground.
Turning right: Form an “L” shape with your left arm. Your elbow should be bent, and your left hand should be pointing up.
Slowing down: Make an “L” with your left arm, opposite of the right hand turn. Your left hand should be pointing down.
Don’t use your phone
Just like when you’re driving a car, you shouldn’t be on talking on your phone, texting, tweeting or looking at Instagram while you’re biking. And although working out can sometimes be a drag if you’re not listening to some great jams, try to refrain from wearing headphones. You won’t be able to hear approaching cars.
Stay visible
POSTED IN fitness, workout dos and don'ts, safety