
Hands off! Schools ban Flamin' Hot Cheetos

Most of us know what to expect when we dig in to a bag of Cheetos: bright orange cheese powder coating everything that gets even remotely close to the crunchy, addictive little buggers. But we’ve never really thought of them as dangerous…until now, that is.

Some schools across the U.S. are banning a Cheetos’ Flamin’ Hot variety from their campuses. Teachers are complaining that the snack-munching kids are leaving bright red finger prints across desks and books, but this hot commodity seems to having a far greater effect than just making a mess.


E.R. doctors reports that patients have come in complaining of stomach pain after eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos—and that the bright food dye that turns these crunchies red can discolor your poo, which is seriously freaky. Schools argue that they are too high in salt (25 percent of your daily allowance) and fat (26 grams) to be part of the healthy, balanced diet they are trying to promote.


What do you think? Should schools be allowed to kick certain snacks outta the building?




by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016