
Pizza, a health food? Here's the 411

Everybody’s fave food is about to become a whole lot healthier. Professor Mike Lean, a nutritionist, and Donnie Maclean, a businessman, have become partners in a quest to revolutionize the making of frozen pizzas. Their new brand, which will soon be available in British supermarkets, includes 30 percent of your daily recommendation of vitamins and minerals. It also offers one third of your day’s allotment for protein, carbs and calories. They have carefully figured those amounts to fit the nutritional guidelines for daily calorie intake – 20 percent at breakfast, 20 percent as snacks, and 30 percent each for lunch and dinner.

So where did these guys come up with so many nutrients? First, they added some seaweed into the bread. Sound a li’l fishy?  Well, seaweed actually has pretty good taste, lots of vitamins and very little sodium. One of the main problems with most frozen foods is their high sodium content – the average frozen dinner contains way more salt than you need in an entire day! Then to sneak in some extra vitamin C, there’s also red pepper mixed in with the tomato sauce. And there are lots of other add-ins that contain vitamin A, folate, and other good nutrients.


Here’s the thing: this dynamic duo is marketing their pizza as a complete meal that contains everything you need for a healthy lunch or dinner. But they didn’t mention anything about its fiber content, or about the fact that it’s still a processed food. It’ll be interesting to see if this health food takes off, and if it does, how Dr. Lean’s and Mr. Maclean’s newest ideas – things like curry, and fish and chips – do as well.


What do you think, chickies? Would you eat a pizza three times a day in place of your regular meals if it were healthier?


by Carrie Ruppert | 2/1/2016