
Latest gross-out: Teens guzzling hand sanitzer

No joke, chicas: Kids trying to get drunk on hand sanitizer are landing themselves in the E.R. with alcohol poisoning. We’ve got to hand it to them—gulping down the stuff is a creative way to get a buzz—but really? Gross, not to mention incredibly dangerous.


According to KTLA, liquid hand sanitizer is 62 percent ethyl alcohol and when distilled, becomes a 120-proof liquid, making it pretty similar to the hard stuff your parents keep in the liquor cabinet. A couple shots is enough to make most teens flat-out drunk.


While doctors have seen teens drinking mouthwash, cough syrup and vanilla extract, this one, they say, is a new one. Half a dozen have been admitted to a hospital in California just in the past few weeks alone.


What to do you think of this fad, babes?


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016