Survey Says

A quiz for anyone

Are you a vampire or a werewolf?
1. If someone asked your body temp, you would say...
A.32 degrees
B.132 degrees
2. You were out late and someone was bleeding in a dark ally. You would...
A. loose your self control and attack them
B. try your best to save them.
3. If you could describe your outer appearance, you would most likely look like...
A. an unknown stone statue from ancient Greece
B. an oversized teddy bear.
4. Your ideal place to live would be,
A. a suburb where little to none sunlight is found
B. somewhere along the beaches of Miami.

5. How often do you eat?
A. once a week 
B. every single day, multiple times (7)

6. What would be your ideal day-to-day top?
A. a turtle neck sweater
B. what top? shirtless!

7. You idea of a vegetarian is...
A. animals 
B.  salad

8. Your fave midnight snack is..
A. mountain lion
B. potato chips
9. People tell you that you smell...
A. really sweet, like an unidentifiable colon but better.
B. an outdoorsy kind of person

10. When you step into the sun you most likely...
A sparkle!
B. sweat bullets!
Tally em' up!
mostly A's,
if you answered mostly A's then you are a vampire!

Mostly B's,
if you answered mostly B's, then you are a werewolf!

~TAA =3!

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by GL reader | 2/1/2016