Blush Much

Last day let down

It was one of the last days of school, and we were moving our desks. I sat in a desk of somebody that was gone that day, and we were supposed to move our desks to their normal places. After about 20 seconds I realized that the person wasn't there, so I moved their desk for them. I was being lazy, and I only pushed the top part. It moved, but it fell over, and made this huge noise because it was basically empty. My crush, and a ton of other guys came over and started trying to help. The other two guys ended up leaving, and it was just my crush and I trying to flip the desk over. Everyone was looking at us, so I must have been blushing like crazy. My crush was trying to flip it back over, and it went on my foot. They were heavy desks, so I said, "Ow. It’s on my foot." He moved it off, but I am still embarrassed about flipping the desk over.

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by GL Reader | 2/1/2016