Blush Much

Bra trap mishap

Here's how it happened. In class, I backed up against an overhead and my bra strap got snagged on it. So I thought, "OK, I can get out of this!" Unfortunately, I only made it worse. The teacher told me to get out of the way, and I whispered that my bra strap was caught. He (yes, a male teacher) practically yelled "Your Bra strap is tangled? OK!" Then he turned to the class and shouted, "Her bra strap is caught! Who wants to help me untangle her bra strap?" Some of my friends (thankfully) helped. Then, the jerkiest boy in class stepped up. He said, "Maybe the tag says something." Then he literally yelled, "Size: Almost A!" Everybody laughed. Then he said, "It's okay, you'll be developed by the time you have kids!" Like I said, I could die of embarrassment.

We want to hear from you! Send us your most embarrassing moments right here and you just might get featured.

by GL reader | 2/1/2016