Your Bod
Why is my tummy so rumbly?
My stomach growls a lot, even when I’m not hungry. It’s so loud—and really embarrassing. How can I make the noise go away?
Relax! Everyone gets the growls. In fact, stomach rumbles are signals of normal digestion, usually occurring in between meals but sometimes right after you eat, too. They’re simply the sounds of food making its way down your digestive tract—and may be louder when you’re hungry since there’s no food around to muffle the noise. One way to get your stomach to shush? Snack more during the day (stick to healthy stuff, like nuts, fruit and yogurt). Just note that if you’re experiencing any pain, cramping or diarrhea along with the growls, see your doctor. Very rarely, a noisy stomach may be a symptom of a more serious problem.
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POSTED IN stomach problems, doctor, Your Bod