Be the most glam guest
Whether you’re invited to a friend’s birthday, a New Year’s Bash or a family party, you want to be the guest everyone is talking about. Being a glam guest isn’t just looking good—it's about acting the part. Here are a few ways to guarantee that you’ll be invited to the next soiree.

Even if it’s just a gathering of friends, bring a little gift as a quick “thanks” for an invitation. It doesn’t have to be anything big—a little plant or some homemade treats are sweet.
Dress with confidence
Be comfortable with what you’re wearing. If there are a lot of people, you’ll be doing lots of mingling. But, that can be tough if you are constantly adjusting a new skirt you’re not used to, or your heels are killing your feet. Wear something you know you look good in and feel good in and you’ll be sure to radiate.

If there’s someone you don’t know, make sure you talk to them. Get to know as many new people as you can. With any luck, you’ll have some new friends by the end of the night.
Being a great guest doesn’t mean stealing the show and talking about yourself all night. Make it a point to listen to other people’s stories. You’ll get to know them better and show your caring side.

Don’t be a wallflower
If there’s music, dance. If there’s a game, play. If there’s a wall, stay away. Now’s the time to be social, so tuck your phone in your pocket. You’re at a party—have a blast!
POSTED IN christmas, new year's, party ideas, dance