Jetsetter Bangle

photos by Katie Shutt
Sigh. Sad that summer's pretty much over? So are we! Make this awesome jetsetter bangle to remind ya of summer travels or your fave warm-weather hotspot. They're sure to get a convo going about how you spent your summer vacay when you wear 'em to a Labor Day party or to the first day of school. They make great gifts, too!
What You'll Need:
*A map of your fave city (Get this at any travel agency or even gas stations!)
*A clear protective coating (We heart Modge Podge!)
*A large bangle bracelet.
What You'll Do:

Find a section of a map that you can wrap around a bangle. Choosing a piece with the city name in it is a good idea.

Make sure it's a good size to wrap around the bracelet; not too small, not too large. Cut the piece out so that it's just slightly higher and wider than the bangle itself. Then, cut the section into even pieces.

Glue the first section down on the bracelet and tuck the edges into the inside—any kind of glue will do. Then, glue and layer each section down slightly on top of the previous piece. Once the outside is completed, cut up several strips of solid colored construction paper to add to the inner ring.

Finally, apply a layer of Modge Podge all over the bangle with a paintbrush, inside and out. Allow to dry and viola, you've got your own personalized map bangle! You can do this with printed out photos of you and your friends, too!