Polka-Dotted iPod case

Cotton fabric
Furry felt
Straight pins
Matching thread
Sewing needle
Wide ribbon
Large “crystal” dome button
6-inch piece of elastic
Small beads
1. Cut 4-inch-by-5-inch pieces of cotton fabric (we went with polka-dots) and furry felt (for lining).
2. Match the felt to the cotton, backsides facing in. Fold ribbon in half lengthwise across a short edge of the matched-up fabrics, and use a blanket stitch to attach, piercing through both sides of ribbon. Trim ribbon ends.
3. Cut 4-inch-by-9-inch pieces of cotton and felt. Match up backsides.
4. With felt still in place, line front sides of one piece of cotton to the non-ribboned end of the other piece, leaving a 4-inch flap. Pin around the edges.
5. Backstitch a 1/4-inch seam along the sides, leaving an opening at the flap. Turn right side out.
6. For flap, fold cotton edges around felt, turning corners in like gift-wrapping. Pin to hold, then secure with a close overcast stitch without piercing through the other side of the cotton.