Super-Duper Beadmobile

Looking for a bold new way to decorate your bedroom? Just bead it! Beads aren't just for jewelry anymore... follow these steps and add some bling to your bedroom with our DIY beadmobile. It'll look oh-so-cute hanging from your ceiling. Wanna share your cool creation? Wrap it up and give it as a gift!
What You'll Need:
2 pieces of 14-gauge wire
Chain link wire
A bucket 'o' beads
Needle-nosed pliers, wire cutters or toenail clippers (to snip the wires)
Costume jewelry
What You'll Do:
1. Start with a foot-long string of chain link
2. Attach two pieces of 14-gauge wire (one at the top, one at the middle) by twisting the wire onto the chain until secure.
3. Use the pliers to loop the ends of the wire into spirals.
4. String beads into five sections of a smaller gauge wire, and loopy-loop the ends around to secure.
5. Hang one string of beads onto the ends of each 14-gauge wire base, and hook one to the very end of the chain.
6. Add a piece of wire to the top of the chain, and make a loop for hanging.
7. Pin a piece of costume jewelery between the two tiers. Now you're blingin', babe!
- Kelly White