Sachet Away!

Stuck on what to get your sweetie for V-Day? Can't find a gift for your fave gal pal? Do it up DIY with these sweet-smelling sachet pillows. They're cute, soft and easy to make. And they’ll stick around way longer than a box of chocolates!
fabricmatching thread
straight pins
pillow stuffing
lace, decorative beads, or iron on designs
1. Cut a 10-inch square from your fabric. If your fabric is wrinkled, carefully iron the square.
2. Draw the shape you’ve chosen for your pillow on the newspaper. Make sure your shape is no larger than half of your fabric square (5 inches by 10 inches). You can make your pillow into a heart, moon, whatever! Cut out your shape and set to the side.
3. Fold your fabric in half wrong side out. Center the cutout on the folded piece of fabric. Using straight pins, secure the newspaper shape neatly to both layers of fabric, placing a pin about every inch of so all the way around.
4. Take a sharp pair or scissors and cut off the excess fabric around the shape.
5. Thread the needle with a double thread, and knot it firmly at the end.
6. Secure the two sides of fabric to one another with a simple stitch (straight up and down fabric), leaving an inch-and-a-half opening.
7. Remove the pins and paper cutout from the fabric. Loop your finger into the unsewn hold, and turn sachet inside-out.
8. Gently push pillow stuffing inside until the sachet is half-full. Take some potpourri and sprinkle a few pinches into the center of the sachet. Then, place more stuffing into the sachet until its filled. Using a needle and thread, neatly finish off the hold with tiny outside stitches.
9. Now it’s time to decorate! (How 'bout pretty buttons and satiny ribbons?) Using needle and thread of glue, attach any beads, ribbons, or sequins to the outside of the sachet. Now sniff. You’ve got a fabulous gift for a special friend or your sweetie!