GL-O’-Lanterns: Pretty Pumpkin Carving with a GL Twist!

Though some people may believe trick-or-treating has an expiration date (though I say you’re never too old for free candy!), we believe you’re never too old to carve pumpkins for Halloween!
But to be honest, we get a little tired of carving generic Jack O’Lantern faces year after year. If you feel the same way, look no further! With these awesome pumpkin templates, you are guaranteed to have the most unique carved pumpkins on the block!
1. Print out one of the templates below. If it’s too big, print it at a lower percent (try 75%) – if it’s too small, print it at a higher percent (try 125%)
2. Prepare your pumpkin: Cut around the stem (large enough to put your hand through) and pull it up so you can put it back on like a lid. Scoop out the inside of your pumpkin.
3. Smooth out your paper along the front of your pumpkin and use a few straight pins or thumb tacks on the corners to hold your paper in place.
4. Using an extra pin or tack, “trace” your design onto your pumpkin by poking holes along the lines of your design through the paper to your pumpkin. Remove the paper and you’ll have perforated lines on your pumpkin to allow for easy carving. (Remember!: Trace and cut out only the edges of the gray sections – sometimes it’s hard to visualize at first, but once you pop a candle inside your pumpkin, it’ll look spectacular!)
5. Carve!
6. Put a candle (those battery-operated flameless candles are awesome and safer) inside your pumpkin

“I <3 Jonas Brothers” – Because we do.
CLICK HERE to download the template!
CLICK HERE to download the template!

Pumpkin Lights -- Cut out each circle separately – it’ll look like those little yard decoration lights!
CLICK HERE to download the template!

Miley Cyrus -- That photo shoot of Miley rocked the gossip world and was super creepy to boot – so we figured it’d be perfect for a Halloween carving!
CLICK HERE to download the template!

GL – Show your GL pride!
CLICK HERE to download the template!

Winking Smiley – We call her our Jackie O’Lantern
CLICK HERE to download the template!
Tell us! Have some other great ideas for unique Jack O’Lanterns? What was the coolest one you’ve ever carved?
By: Jessie Merryman