Welcome winter with these super-sized snowflakes

Remember those paper snowflakes you used to spend *hours* making as a kid? Well, say hello to the grownup version of those cute cut-outs. Follow the tutorial from Oh Happy Day and you'll be dreaming of a white Christmas in no time.

You'll need:
Giant roll of butcher paper
Any other decorations you'd like (markers, glitter, sequins, paint, etc.)
1. Cut a large square of paper and fold down the middle. Then fold again, making a smaller square.
2. Trace a fancy pattern—come up with your own or try one of the ideas below:

3. Cut out your pattern, unfold your flake and add pretty decorations. Then, hang around your room for a wintry wonderland.
How do you decorate your room for winter? Let us know in the comments!
POSTED IN crafts, room decor, MAKE IT CUTE, DIYs, winter