Hostess gift pick: DIY paper snowflake chain

Here’s what you’ll need:
6 pieces of white printer paper
String, twine or ribbon
Hole punch
Here’s what you’ll do:
1. Fold a piece of paper in half as many times as possible, making sure the creases are straight.
2. With a pair of scissors, create your own design by cutting out different shapes along the edges and the fold. Try triangles, scallops, stars, etc!
3. Carefully unfold the paper.
4. If the snowflake needs more detail, just refold the piece of paper and continue to trim more.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 on all 6 pieces of paper.
6. After creating each snowflake, use the hole punch to punch one hole on the right and left sides of every snowflake.
7. With the string/ribbon/twine, string each snowflake through the holes from the hole puncher. Knot the string around the holes to keep them in place.
8. Neatly tuck your paper snowflake chain into a gift bag to present to your hostess.
POSTED IN happy holidays, christmas decorations, inexpensive gifts, holiday decorations, room decor, christmas crafts, diy gifts, holiday parties, winter parties