Get schooled: Upgrade your locker from average to A+

Move to the head of the
class with these three quick ‘n’ crafty ways to liven up your locker.
Spell it Out
Transform Scrabble tiles into totally clever
magnets (swipe from your fam’s old set or check out thrift stores for used
games). Snip pieces of magnetic tape and affix them to the back of the tiles.
Pop ’em on the inside of your locker door to spell out reminders or hold up
Take Your Pic
Fill your locker with happy memories with a row of
priceless pics. Use sticky tack to hold a vertical piece of 2-inch wide ribbon
taut on your locker door (ribbon should be as long as the door). Snag some mini
clothespins to secure your fave shots to the ribbon.
What’s Hanging
Here’s a way to smartly stash your stuff (think
tampons, deodorant and makeup): Pick up a few extra pencil pouches and a spool
of cute ribbon. Handsew loops of ribbon to either end of the case along one
side next to the zipper. Hang each pouch on a magnetic hook (try
secured to the inside of your locker.
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