Cute up a pair of ripped jeans

The holes in
these jeans were original to the new pair Maja Blomqvist bought. But when she
got them home, she wasn’t so thrilled by the look. Inspired by crocheted
tablecloths, Maya applied crochet motifs to cover, close and decorate the
holes, transforming the jeans into a one-of-a-kind favorite.
Got a family member who’s a whiz with crochet needles? Ask ‘em to whip up a patch to pretty up your shredded knees and gaping pockets. Or take a look at our fave series, Crochet Geek, to start stitchin’ yourself!
Find other amazing ideas and how-tos for mending, repairing
and repurposing old or thrift store-found clothes into wearable treasures in
the new craft book
Mend It Better, available now
from Storey Publishing!
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