Heading to the beach? 7 crafty seashell DIYs

With these crafts, there’s no reason to leave the coast behind when it’s time to go home. Do 'em all, pick your faves or make souvenirs for friends and keepsakes for your fam!
1. Nabbed a dried-out starfish, sand
dollar or conch shell on the sand? Mix a cup of bleach with a cup of
water and let the shells soak to ditch the fishy smell. Scrub them
with a toothbrush if necessary, then rinse, dry and plop ‘em on a
pile of papers. Instant paperweight!
2. Pile smaller shells in a vase for a
beach-themed centerpiece.
3. Jazz up your bedroom with a
seashell-covered frame. We love the idea of grabbing an old mirror at
a flea market and dressing it up with your beach finds.
4. Bring a variety of shells with you
on your next babysitting job and let the kids create animals out of
the different shapes.
5. Miss the sound of the beach? Hang
half-a-dozen shells from string and attach to a branch. Hang the
branch on your front porch for a whimsical wind chime.
6. Use the shells as stencils and
stamps to decorate plain tees, bags, towels and more. Roll the shells
in fabric paint and let your inner design diva run wild!
7. Pick up an inexpensive wooden
keepsake box at a crafts store. Paint and decorate with shells, then
store pictures and mementos of your summer inside.
What’s your favorite thing to do
with seashells, sweeties?
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