Chalk your block and win big!

Don’t step on the crack!
Turn problem areas into works of art by using a crack in the pavement to your advantage. It could be the crack of egg, urged on by a baby bird. Or a mountain traversed by a train. Or bolts of lightning from a dark storm cloud. Or the snarl that tops an angry set of eyes.
Rock it out!
Who says you’ve gotta keep your chalk on the ground? If you’ve got large rocks or boulders in your yard or neighboring your driveway, give ‘em personalities or draw on funny scenes.
What’d you say?
Write inspiring quotes, funny phrases, knock-knock jokes or random words all over town. People will stop, stare ‘n’ read, we promise!
Get your game on
Draw a hopscotch grid, a treasure map, an impromptu Twister mat. Get the whole community involved in a human-sized game of chess or checkers. Play pictionary down the sidewalk. Whatever strikes your fancy, babe.

WIN BIG! We loved Klutz’s Chalk the Block so much we decided to give it away! The No. 1 activity book company for kids and adults alike is handing out copies to FOUR (count ‘em, 4) soon-to-be scribblin’ girlies.
Wanna win? CLICK HERE
to enter! Contest ends Wednesday, April 20.
POSTED IN giveaway, crafts, get outside, spring fun