Craft paper cranes for Japan

According to old Japanese traditions, anyone who folds 1,000
paper cranes will be granted a wish. In response to the devastating earthquake
and tsunami, is sponsoring a Paper Cranes for Japan initiative.
They want to collect 100,000 photos of origami cranes folded by youth across
the globe to illustrate 100 wishes for relief and healing for those affected by
the natural disaster.
The task is simple. You can either find a photo of an origami paper crane online or you can fold your own paper crane, snap a quick pic and upload that photo to the Paper Cranes for Japan Facebook page.
Ready to get folding? Watch the video below for an easy origami how-to…
Go big: Think about how many wishes you could send if you got
your homeroom class, your entire grade, even your whole school involved. All
you need is paper and a camera (or camera phone). Whatcha waitin’ for?
POSTED IN dealing with tragedy, In the News, crafts, diy