Old school cassette iPod case

For more fab crafts just like this one, check out the Crafting with Cat Hair blog.
What you’ll need:
1 piece of colored felt plus scraps in different colors
Matching embroidery thread
What you’ll do:
1. Cut two pieces of felt just a little larger than your iPod or MP3 player. You’ll need contrasting colored felt scraps to make the “bottom” of the cassette tape” (gray in the photo above), the part where the tape is wound (white and gray) and the label (white).
2. Embroider an “X” on the cassette reel (white circles on the tape).
3. Embroider your message on the label.
4. Use a running stitch to attach all of the pieces to the front of the iPod case and a whip stitch to close three of the four sides. Leave the top open so you can slip in your iPod.