Light Up Luminaries

I remember helping my mom line our walkway with these plain
ol’ paper bags that transform into lanterns come nightfall. It’s a classic and
super easy way to decorate your front yard for Halloween and guide
trick-or-treaters to your door.
What You’ll Need:
Enough paper bags—white, brown or orange—to line the path to your front door, driveway or sidewalk.
Kitty litter or sand to weigh down the bags
1 votive candle for every paper bag
A lighter or matches
What You’ll Do:
Set up paper bags in the area you want to illuminate. Pour
an inch or two of litter or sand in the bottom of the bags, then place a candle
in the center of the bag, pressing it firmly into the litter/sand. At dusk,
have your parent or older sib light each candle using matches or a lighter.
Enjoy the pretty glow knowing that you’re the one behind the magic.