Tie-Dye Beach Bag and Towel

Wanna turn heads the next time you hit the sand this summer? Craft up your own beach towel and beach bag with our easy how to. Tie-dye and decorate these sunny must-haves to get the season started off in style!
A white or light-colored towel
A plain tote bag
A tie-dye kit (we like Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye Kit)
Medium-sized rubber bands
A plastic zip bag
Trash bags
Paper towels
For decorating:
Ribbon (preferably in two different colors, each about an inch thick)
Fabric paint
Any other decorations you want to include
Put on the rubber gloves provided. Fill the bottles of dye with water and shake. Squeeze the dyes onto the towel and tote so that all visible sections are covered. When done, put the towel in a trash bag and tie it closed, and put the tote in the zip bag, letting in only a small amount of air. Let the dye soak in for at least six to eight hours.
To decorate the tote, draw designs in pencil first and go over them with fabric paint. Feel free to add other decorations, but make sure your items are washable.
By: Vanessa Junkin
What You’ll Need:
For tie-dyeing: 

For decorating:

What You’ll Do:
Rip down two or three trash bags and lay them down to create a workspace. Layer with paper towels.
Wet and wring out your towel and tote. Section off the towel or tote with your fist and wrap with rubber bands.

When items are ready, grab your gloves and rinse the towel and tote (with the rubber bands still on) until the water is mostly clear. Carefully take or cut the rubber bands off and rinse the items again. Run the towel through the washer with hot water and a little soap. Let dry. Repeat for your tote. Wash each separately.
Measure four inches away from each end of the towel and mark three inches across to cut slits. Be careful not to cut holes that are too large. Thread ribbon through and leave about 12 inches on each end so that you’ll be able to tie bows. Repeat on the other side.

To decorate the tote, draw designs in pencil first and go over them with fabric paint. Feel free to add other decorations, but make sure your items are washable.
By: Vanessa Junkin