7 V-Day candies your crush will heart

You’ve already picked out the perfect card for your cutie on
Valentine’s Day, signed off with a not-too-sappy message inside. But aren’t
you forgetting something? The sweet for your sweetie! Can’t argue with
tradition. To help you pick out the tastiest treat you know he won't toss, we asked guys to dish exactly
what candy they want taped to their Valentine’s Day card:
“Reese’s Pieces! I don’t care what holiday it is, I love
those!” –Danny P., 13
“The heart things with little phrases on them… what are
those? Conversation Hearts?” –William B., 15
“Hershey’s Kisses.” –Andrew R., 16
“I think the boys
usually give it but I would want chocolate. Truffles. Like that seems like
personal preference or home baked because it shows effort.” –Yohnny R., 16
“Anything tasty and unhealthy is
usually all that is required. Chocolate is a golden standard.” –Drew T., 14
“Um, I always liked getting the
Butterfinger Hearts with my Valentine’s card. They’re tasty and festive.” –John
K., 15
“A Hershey’s
chocolate bar is the best.” –Tim V., 13
POSTED IN valentine's day, V-day treats, guys, GL's best guy advice, how to flirt, crush crash course, get his attention now