Rad Reads

What would your future Facebook profile entail?

In 1996, less than half of teenagers had ever used the Internet, and in The Future of Us, by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler, Emma and Josh are about to do just that for the first time.

When Emma downloads America Online, a strange page called Facebook lights up on her computer screen, and she can’t help but think that the woman on the profile page looks a little funny.

She then realizes it’s her, 15 years from now, and she and Josh are mystified by the fact that somehow Emma in the future is somehow posting status updates and is married to some guy named Jordan.

Josh, meanwhile, can’t figure out how his future self is married to junior class hottie Sydney Mills, and is shocked by his status updates about his wife’s pregnancy.

Like anyone who has just started to use Facebook, Josh and Emma slowly become addicted to the site. The two start to realize they’re not sure if they like their future selves, and try to take steps to change the course of action of their future lives.

The Future of Us is a great reminder of the fact that the little things we do every day can make a big difference down the road. Because the story is told in alternating points of view, I found myself rooting for both Emma and Josh. And some of the dialogue about the characters’ reactions to current friends is too funny, such as when Emma updates her status: “Netflix + Glee = my life. I have no idea what I’m talking about, but if Netflix plus Glee equals my life, I’m hoping these are good things.”

For anyone who’s ever wondered what it would be like to hack into your future Facebook profile—or who just can’t wait until The Future of Us hits movie theatres (talk about buzz for a book that hasn’t even been released yet!), pick up The Future of Us when it hits bookstands this month. Then, come back and share your thoughts with us.

Grab the book here!

What would you like to see happen in your future? Blog about it, babes.


by Devin Alessio | 2/1/2016