Bestie Book Club

How to start a new club this school year (inspired by our new Bestie Book Club read, Kristy and the Walking Disaster)

Welcome back to our Bestie Book Club—a community for book lovers from Girls' Life magazine.

If you're new here, hello and welcome! Here's how this works: Each month, we read, discuss and obsess over a new book. If you haven't already, be sure to follow us on TikTok, Instagram and X for Bestie Book Club updates, fun reading challenges, amaze giveaways and so much more.

Fall is in the air—and extracurriculars are finally in full swing. Honestly, is there anything better than meeting up with your squad after school to run drills for soccer or perfect your next team dance routine? We love the bestie bonding that comes with shared passions, just like Kristy and the Baby-sitters Club in our latest Bestie Book Club read, Kristy and the Walking Disaster.

When Kristy sees how much her younger siblings love playing softball, she's inspired to start a team of her own. And she's not about to let the competition (aka her crush Bart's team) dampen The Krushers' team...even if she has to coach Jackie Rodowsky, certified walking disaster, along the way.

We sat down with our book besties to get the scoop on Kristy and the Walking Disaster—and get their advice on starting an after-school club of your own.

Chances are—you already have one! Whether you're up bright and early for swim practice or hanging after school for debate, we can bet you're already involved in a few extracurriculars.

So why not take that interest to the next level? "I love dancing ballet, but I wanted to do more outside of the studio," explains GL Book Bestie and dancer Tatum B. "So I organized an evening for my classmates to get together, watch our favorite ballet movies and discuss them."

Just like Kristy notices how much her charges love softball and steps up to build a league, you can take the lead and create a club for your favorite hobby. Loved your poetry unit in English class? Get a group together to reflect on famous verses (or write some yourselves!). Want to train for the track team tryouts? Organize a running club to stay motivated and push each other to improve along the way.

Heck, maybe you'd want to start a...wait for it...babysitting club? "After reading Kristy and the Walking Disaster, we think it'd be so fun to be a part of The Baby-sitters Club," GL Book Besties and twins Ashley & Kelly B. admit.

Other Ideas:
🌟 Not ready to start a fully fledged club just yet? Try making a new group chat exclusively for your squad's fave topic. Need somewhere to send all those Taylor Swift theories? Now you've got one!
🩵 Check out the clubs that already exist at your school and challenge yourself to join a new one. Remember, there's no harm in showing up to at least one meeting!
📚 Not to toot our own horns, but—toot, toot! Join our Bestie Book Club and read along with us every month.

Hey, besties! Which member of the BSC would be your BFF?

"Kristy, ofc! She's so strong-willed and inspiring." — Tatum
"Stacey. She's such a good friend." — Ashley & Kelly
"Claudia! Snacks and amaze art skills? Sign me up." — Lorelei
"Mary Anne. She's a hard worker and super studious, just like me!" — Ella 
"Dawn for sure. She's so passionate about everything she does." — Kira

Just like Kristy builds her team, you'll need to assemble a squad of your own. It's all about figuring out who shares your passions—and making sure everyone is included. "It's important to build a group of people who support you and lift you up," explains GL Book Bestie and cheerleader Lorelei L. "The friends you make are worth a lifetime!"

When Kristy starts her softball team, she knows Jackie "Walking Disaster" Rodowsky is going to make things tricky. But that doesn't stop Kristy from teaching and supporting him along the way. It means a lot to be a part of a club—and encouraging others is a meaningful part of the fun.

GL Book Bestie and dancer Ella K. says that she can relate. "Kristy stands up for her friend Amanda when Amanda is struggling to hit a pitch," she explains. "I always make sure to stand up for my friends, too. We're all learning, even if we're at different levels."

Most importantly? "Remember you're part of a team," advises GL Book Bestie and cheerleader Kira M. "Help others do their best…oh and have fun!"

Last, but certainly not least? Be the best leader you can be. 

Kristy learns a lot about leadership in Kristy and the Walking Disaster, whether she's encouraging her team or even encouraging herself.

"I could relate a lot to Kristy when she agreed to the game against Bart's Bashers," says Lorelei. "She got overwhelmed and started to question herself—and I've felt that way in cheer, too."

It might feel nerve-racking or overwhelming to start your club, reach out to potential new members and coordinate meetings but you got this, just like Kristy. 

"It's all about working together and having fun with a shared passion," say Ashley & Kelly.

Here's some more helpful inspo to make sure your club is a total success!
🌟 Try assigning members different roles and responsibilities. If you're busy planning the sheet music for the next jazz club meeting, ask a different member to plan the snacks and bevvies.
💪 Encourage other members to contribute ideas and inspo. Planning out which trails your hiking group should hit? Ask members to suggest their favorites.
☎️ Phone a pro. Looking for advice on that tricky choreography technique? Ask your dance instructor if they can take a few minutes after class to help you with it or, better yet, stop by the club and assist everyone.

Hey, besties! What does it mean to be a part of a team?

"Learning and growing with your friends." — Tatum
"Working together and having fun." — Ashley & Kelly
"Remembering that winning isn't everything, but learning together is." — Lorelei
"Always contributing to the rest of the team." — Ella 
"Putting your teammates first, not yourself." — Kira

Want to get involved with our Bestie Book Club? Here’s how…
+ SOLO. Snag your own copy of Kristy and the Walking Disaster and annotate as you read. Funny moment or lesson-learning opp, you'll love looking back at your own notes.
+ ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Connect with us @glbestiebookclub and find your fellow book nerds from all over! Hello, instant community. 📖 
+ WITH YOUR SQUAD. Start a book club of your own! Choose a book to read every month and plan a time to meet up and discuss. Got assigned reading for school? Even better.


by GL | 9/27/2024