Must List
Editor Obsession: The Things I Am Thankful For

So instead of a general list of things I’m thankful for (my family, my dog Charlotte, my red hair, Converse sneakers), here is my top 10 list of things in entertainment that have earned my eternal thanks (in no particular order). Then I hope you’ll spill your opinions on my list AND share your own list in the comments below!
1. Celebrity gossip: Try not to judge me, but I kinda sorta am in love with celebrity gossip. You know what? I do care whether Nick and Selena are together and which starlet was behaving badly on set. I care! (I told you not to judge me…)
2. Slightly nerdy actors, like Michael Cera: I’m a sucker for nerdy boys. Always have been, always will be. And it thrills me to see sweetly awkward guys like Michael Cera getting some attention. Who’s with me?
3. Taylor Swift: I’m not usually into Taylor Swift-esque music, but I heart both of her albums. And, having recently had the chance to chat with her, I love her even more. She’s sassy, she’s funny, she’s blunt, she’s not too proud to say when she’s been hurt. I think a lot of girls could learn a lot from her. Heck, I can learn a lot from her.
4. Red carpet fashions: Honestly? Couldn’t care less who wins awards. In fact, I don’t even watch the shows anymore. Been there, done that. But the next day, I am all over the fashions, checking out who wore what. I’m actually not looking to laugh at fashion disasters. I want everyone to look great! But sometimes, doesn’t it seem like mirrors must be in short supply?
5. Disney and Nickelodeon stars: Here at GL, I do a lot of celebrity interviews with all kinds of celebs. I know a lot of girls are kind of over the whole Disney and Nick thing, but I have to tell you—these kids are some of the most professional, kind, interesting celebs around. They do countless interviews, and they still treat the interviewer with respect. Here’s hoping they stick around awhile.
6. The Office (especially Jim): I’m a sucker for this hilarious show. (And not because it reminds me of Girls’ Life offices!) I’m not much of a comedy person. I’m that girl who HATES jokes and pranks. My brother tells me it’s because I’m not fun. But The Office makes me laugh every week. And Jim makes me swoon every week.
7. Twilight and Harry Potter: Confession. I haven’t read Twilight yet. It’s on my to-read pile. But I have read the Harry Potter books, twice! The reason these two series make my list is because I automatically LOVE anything that gets young people to read. Which brings me to…
8. Books, Books, Books! I am the biggest book nerd. I have secret dreams of being a librarian, where I could be surrounded by beautiful, loved books all day. I like books from all areas of the shelves, but I have a special place in my heart for young adult books (I’m currently reading the sequel to Mother-Daughter Book Club, Much Ado About Anne. I’d love to hear what books you love, so make sure to put a few on your own Top 10 list below!
9. Anne Hathaway: Remember her from Princess Diaries? She was so sweet. And she has gone on to have such an amazing career. She’s persevered through personal problems (which I know from reading celebrity gossip!), and has a beautiful fashion sense (which I know from checking out the red carpet fashions!). I think she is the epitome of talent and class. And I want her to be my BFF.
10. TV on DVD: Veronica Mars, Degrassi, Tales from Avonlea, the list goes on. All of these shows were introduced to me in the form of DVD. There is nothing better than settling in for a day-long marathon of a TV series. In fact, what better time to do that than a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend… Hmmm, what should I choose?
Anyone including anything from my list on their very own list? Share your Top 10 below!