Must List
Editor obsession - Degrassi: The Next Generation

Forget Gossip Girl. The teen show I love to love is the Canadian soap Degrassi: The Next Generation. It’s eighth season starts in October on The N.
Sadly, I don’t get The N. Instead, I rent the DVDs when they come out and proceed to watch the entire season over the course of about 24 hours, breaking only to go to the bathroom and for snacks.
So really, how much do I love Degrassi? Let me count the ways.
1. They deal with huge teen issues, without getting too preachy. Among the most memorable storylines? A school shooting, cheating on tests, abortion, homosexuality, eating disorders…the list goes on.
2. Oh, and tons of dating and relationship drama. At some point during the seven (going on eight!) season, everyone has dated everyone else. It’s awesome.
3. Since the series starts with the main characters in middle school, you literally watch them grow up. They’re practically family. I just wish they were going to be at my family’s Thanksgiving.
4. The characters are realistic in that they are flawed people, just like actual people are. And, while ther are definitely some super attractive people on the show, lots of them seem like they might be people you went to school with.
5. The network of Degrassi fans. Meet someone else who’s seen every episode, and there’s an instant kinship. Are there any of you out there? Tell me what you think and who you love! Even those you love to hate! I heart Jimmy, Ellie and Sean. And JT. And Manny. OK, I can’t decide.
If you also love Degrassi, shout me back. Or, share the show you can’t stop gushing about. Who knows? Other GL gals may just agree with you.
POSTED IN Degrassi