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Jonas Brothers survey: Where do you stand?

The Jonas Brothers latest, A Little Bit Longer, hits stores August 12. In celebration of the big release, we’re inviting everyone to share their opinions on the famous bros. C’mon, you know you want to.
1. Are you planning to buy the new album?
2. Which Jonas brother is your favorite. And why?
3. What do you think of the alleged Nick/Selena relationship?
4. Are you “Team Selena” or “Team Miley”?
5. Are you in danger of JoBros Overload? Why or why not?
6. Which JoBros single is your favorite?
7. What music are you listening to most right now?
8. Are you going to pick up Demi’s first album this fall?
9. The thought of Camp Rock 2 is…
10. Pick one word to describe each brother:
- Nick is ____________.
- Joe is ____________.
- Kevin is ____________.
- Frankie is ____________.
POSTED IN fun stuff, Jonas Brothers