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Four OMG moments from last night's PLL

I’m going to put it out there. I am a HUGE Pretty Little Liars fan. My mind tells me the show is slightly ridiculous, but my heart stops whenever I hear the beginning of that creep-tastic theme song. As obsessed as I am? Well, I’ve a got treat for you. Here are my favorite OMG moments of this week’s episode “The Goodbye Look,” plus my predictions for next week thrown in.
OMG Moment 1: Aria gets pushed by Ian…A…Ian/A… When Aria went over Spencer’s and saw broken glass and, despite obvious signs of a problem, still went inside, I found myself yelling at the screen like I was watching a horror movie! “No, don’t go in there! Seriously, Aria, turn around…Wait! Those are really cute shoes.”
OMG Moment 2: Whose dog is that?! Being an animal lover, I immediately went ‘Aww!’ when I saw an adorable little pup scurry across Allison’s old yard. But then it was cut short by her big bro, Jason (who has gotten creepier since we last saw him), throwing something at it! Did A train the dog to snoop around the DiLaurentis’ yard or is something else going on?
OMG Moment 3: Aria and Ezra’s big kiss Yes, we all love them as a couple, but when they kissed in the MIDDLE OF A SCHOOL PARKING LOT, I was talking to the TV again. Just because they aren’t student and teacher anymore doesn’t mean their relationship isn’t totally illegal.
OMG Moment 4: Mona was likable! I’ve never been a big Mona fan, but I shocked myself when I actually wanted Hanna to forgive her for the Caleb thing. Also, I loved everything about her look at the restaurant where she and her estranged BFF met up.
My predictions for next week: The next episode is called “My Name is Trouble”…that isn’t a great sign for the liars! Did you see that ‘A’ note in the promo? (“You can’t play cat and mouse if the mouse moves to Texas. I need you here, Em. Congrats.”) It looks like Emily is staying in Rosewood! And based on the promo, it looks like next week’s episode will have one of the scariest ‘A’ moments yet. Tune in with me next week to find out!
What was your favorite PLL moment from last night? Blog about it, babes.
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POSTED IN television, Pretty Little Liars