In the News

Malala Yousafzai graduates from Oxford University

Born in Pakistan, Malala YousafzaiI was always the perfect student. "I loved school," she shares on her website. "But everything changed when the Taliban took control of our town in Swat Valley. The extremists banned many things — like owning a television and playing music — and enforced harsh punishments for those who defied their orders. And they said girls could no longer go to school."

Inspired to bring about change, Malala spoke out against the Taliban's decision to ban girls from attending school, but her bravery made her a target. She was shot in the head by a masked gunman who wished to silence her. 

After getting the medical care she needed, Malala and her family moved to the United Kingdom, where she kept speaking out about the injustices in her native Pakistan and across the world. "With my father, who has always been my ally and inspiration, I established Malala Fund, a charity dedicated to giving every girl an opportunity to achieve a future she chooses," she says. "In recognition of our work, I received the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2014 and became the youngest-ever Nobel laureate."

Cut to 2020, and Malala doesn't just attend school — she recently graduated from one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, Oxford University.

Malala hasn't officially announced her plans for the future, but we're pretty sure they include continuing to change the world.

Congrats, Malala!


by Jacqueline F. | 6/22/2020